Islamic Fashion Institute (IFI) is Indonesia’s first Islamic fashion design school established in 2015. To date, IFI has produced over 200 of its graduates.
Initially, IFI was established to help Indonesia become the Qibla of global Muslim fashion. However, as Muslims have become more conscious of wearing the hijab, IFI has made this learning activity a form of dissemination to further spread its benefits. It is standard-based and emphasizes Islamic principles in fashion design with a stylistic approach.
The educational modules are uniquely developed in collaboration with fashion design practitioners and academics. In 2021, IFI received the HALAL INNOVATION Award from the Ministry of Industry, IHYA for its Education Module. If Indonesia becomes the Qibla of global Muslim fashion, Indonesia must also become a benchmark center for students and scholars from around the world to study Muslim fashion.
The availability of internationally standardized learning facilities to support the study of Islam or Islamic fashion is IFI's future vision. Therefore, in Indonesia, it is appropriate for both vocational institutions and higher education institutions to have literature and books that can be used as a reference for learning.
Judul : Islamic Fashion Handbook
Penulis : Prof. Dr. H. Sapta Nirwandar, KH Bukhari Muslim (Konsultan) / Irna Mutiara, Deden Siswanto, Yufie Kartaatmadja (Konsultan Kreatif) / Hanni Haerani (Ketua) / Marina Puspitasari, Yufie Kartaatmadja, Chyntia Larasati, Ella Trimurti Medasa (Peneliti) / Yufie Kartaatmadja, Eriyanti Nurmala (Editor & Penyelaras Akhir) / Dea Jayadi Tachmat, Monoponik Studio (Desain Layout) / Ella Trimurti Medasa, Asry Assyfa, Dhiya Fajri Sadida (Illustrator) / Dhiya Fajri Sadida, Nabila Birina (Kontributor) / Azis Nurkholis Majid (Penerjamah)
Tebal Halaman : 326 Halaman
Ukuran Buku : tinggi 22cm, Lebar 15cm, Tebal 2,5cm
NO.ISBN : 978-623-09-4383-6
Harga : 395.000
Apabila Indonesia menjadi kiblat busana Muslim dunia, maka Indonesia juga harus menjadi pusat benchmark kajian busana Muslim bagi para pelajar dan mahasiswa dunia. Tersedianya fasilitas belajar berstandar Internasional yang mendukung kegiatan kajian-kajian busana Muslim atau Islam yang menjadi cita-cita IFI pada masa mendatang. Untuk itu sudah sepantasya Indonesia mempunyai literatur dan buku-buku yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi belajar, baik di lembaga vokasi maupun sekolah-sekolah tinggi. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan tersebut maka kami mencoba menyusun sebuah buku yang awalnya adalah sebagai kamus khusus busana Islami. Namun kemudian berkembang menjadi kumpulan dari modul ajar IFI yang kemudian kami beri judul Islamic Fashion Handbook dan Alhamdulillah buku ini mendapat penghargaan Good Design dari Kemendag pada tahun 2022
After the completion of the Hanbook, IFI will soon bring together the other books in the series to meet the needs of fashion schools, Muslim fashion entrepreneurs, and fashion trend enthusiasts. Other books still in progress are: ISLAMIC FASHION TEXTILE, ISLAMIC FASHION DISPOSAL, ISLAMIC FASHION STYLE, and ISLAMIC FASHION PATTERN. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude for the support and prayers during the process, Jazakumulloh Khoyron Katsiron (May Allah reward you with great goodness).
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